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Headshot of Patricia Airey

Patricia Airey PA-C, DHSc joined the Jefferson College of Health Sciences (now Radford University) Physician Assistant Program in 2004. She completed her Physician Assistant Certificate at Cornell University Medical College in 1992, her Master of Science in PA Practice from Finch University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School in 2000, and her Doctor of Health Science degree from Nova Southeastern University in 2009. Dr. Airey worked clinically in the Emergency Department at Yale University Hospital for five years before moving from Connecticut to North Carolina, where she worked for Southeastern Acute Care Specialists staffing multiple Emergency Departments in the area.

The move to Virginia and to academia was due to Dr. Airey’s desire to focus on the educational aspect of medicine, one of her favorite parts about working with patients. She currently teaches the Clinical Skills I – III courses and is a Course Director in one of the Interprofessional components of the Program.

Dr. Airey enjoys spending time with her husband and three children as well as being active in any number of creative endeavors.