Ph.D. University of Hawai'i
Bio: Dr. Guy Axtell is Professor of Philosophy and Faculty Fellow of the Radford University
Honors Academy. He received the Outstanding Scholar Award for 2012-2013 in the College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences. His research addresses
how we can apply epistemology, the theory of knowledge, to real-life issues of social
concern, such as belief polarization, and responsibility in inquiry. When not teaching
or writing, “Dr. Ax” often seeks his ataraxia* through biking, tennis, skiing, windsurfing, and curiously speaking about himself
in the third person.
*Ataraxia: Ancient Greek term for psychic balance and “freedom from disquiet.”
Teaching interests: Philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, “STS” or science, technology and society studies, applied epistemology, and philosophy of religion.
Research interests: Sampling of recent and forthcoming research included below.
Papers and abstracts are available at PhilPapers and