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Charles Gichana Manyara

I did my Masters in GIS & Remote Sensing from Ohio University (Athens, OH) and my MBA from Radford University (Radford, VA). I graduated from Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI) with a Ph.D. in Remote Sensing and Natural Resources.  

My teaching and research interests in geospatial science fall within the interface of information science infrastructure, geography and geoscience.  This interface can best be described as geoinformatics.

Within this specialization, my work tends to center on the relationship between land development, resource use and the examination of human impact on the patterns and processes that characterize the physical environment.

Much of the work I do both in research and in teaching relies on the development and application of advanced information technologies, such as Geographic Information Systems, Satellite Image Processing, and Computer Modeling.  More recently I have started to include aspects of socio-economic analysis in some of my research projects.

Research interests:

  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Applied GIS
  • Land resource analysis
  • Natural hazard mitigation
  • Remote sensing of the environment.

I specialize in the area of applied geospatial science and analysis. My research centers on the exploitation of GISc methods within the context of Remote Sensing, Geospatial Modeling, and Geographic Information Systems.

Currently, my research agenda focuses on the application of Remote Sensing and GIS modeling to problems that fall within the topical areas of land resource analysis and natural environmental monitoring/characterization, and environmental decision making and developed landscapes. Within this systematic specialization, my research and teaching centers on improving our understanding of the relationships between land development and resource use and the examination of human impact on the patterns and processes that characterize the physical environment.

Since 2012 I have taught a seminar in Applied GIS for hazard mitigation using FEMA’s Hazus MH.  The expression intention is that students learn to link their GIS skills in solving real life problems.  Students learn and develop flood, hurricane and earthquakes models that can be tested in familiar localities.

Common course rotation:

  • GEOS 125: Introduction to Geospatial Data & Technologies
  • GEOS 270: Digital Cartography
  • GEOS 425: Remote Sensing
  • GEOS 480: Seminar (Applied GIS)
  • GEOS 490: Field Research Methods.

Other courses:

  • World Regional Geography: Africa and Asia (GEOG 102)
  • Advanced GIS:  Data Management, Modeling, Programming and Web Application Development (GEOS 410)