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B.S., (Biochemistry); M.S. and Ph.D., Virginia Tech

Courses Taught:

  • Chem 111, 112 - General Chemistry
  • Chem 401, 402 - Physical Chemistry
  • Chem 441 - Electronics for Scientists
  • Chem 481 - Undergraduate Research

Research Interests:

My research is focused on the environmentally benign and sustainable chemistry needed to support the broader goal of global sustainability. Recent projects have included:

  • The design of “greener” catalysts for biodiesel production.
  • The synthesis of functionalized carbon nanoparticles for use in water purification.
  • The design of self-assembled structures based on polyelectrolytes found in nature.

We also stay quite busy developing the hardware and software needed for the custom instrumentation we use. To find out more about research opportunities in my group, stop by my office (Center for the Sciences 377) or send me an email and definitely check out Their are opportunities for students at all levels and many students start research after just taking general chemistry. We also always have a number of high school students working in the lab during the year.